Just, this afternoon a warning post just appeared from the front desk of Blogger. To make the message sound nice, if you are a blogger based in the entertainment niche, this might be for you and most times, your posts contain any mature adult content or its set up for that purpose, then I’ll advice you remove it on or before March 23RD or else Google will customize, privatize or dislocate  your blog.

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According to a message currently displaying at the top layer  of Blogger blog from Google states that “On 23 March, Blogger will no longer allow certain sexually explicit content…”

Steps to Avoid from been deleted from Blogger 

  • Head over to your blog and remove all the explicit video or sexual arousing contents or images before your blog will be customize by Google. If you can’t deal with this, then move your blog to wordpress…

For more details about this, head over to read the full policy here

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